Tuesday, November 27, 2012

21 weeks!

This week was fairly uneventful. I did go to a friend's bachelorette over the weekend and that was tons of fun, even if I couldn't make it out to the bar!!! I think I did pretty good going from 2pm to 10:30pm!

I bought a new outfit for the occasion but then didn't get any photos of me in it, whoops!

This week I craved chicken McNuggets, and I gave into the craving. It was not worth it, my tummy ached a lot afterwards. Right now I'm craving a ham and Swiss sandwich. At least that's much healthier :). Damn deli meat being a no-no though!!! I'm thinking of buying a ham to bake and slice myself. That'll be this weekend.

Here's your photo for the week!


Cathy said...

What a nice bump. Ooh cravings they must be a bummer.

Cathy said...

I love making ham, did you do it and how quickly did you eat it? Lol

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